Choose Your Lives And Heroes In Fantasy Life Trailer

By Michael On 9 Sep, 2014 At 12:56 AM | Categorized As 3DS, 3DS News, News | With 0 Comment

fantasy life

Nintendo of UK has shared two new trailers of the upcoming RPG, Fantasy Life. The first trailer titled, “Create Your Hero” showcases the extensive customization options available to create your own unique hero.

The second trailer highlights the “lives” feature of Fantasy Life. Players can select between 12 different lives, which are essentially a “class” system. What differentiates Fantasy Life from other RPG’s, is that the game allows  and encourages the players to swap lives mid-game, which ultimately changes the experience and outcome of your adventure.

Level-5’s RPG, Fantasy Life is set to launch in Europe on September 26 and in Australia on September 27. In North America, Fantasy Life will hit the stores on October 24. For the latest updates on Fantasy Life stay tuned at Mii-Gamer.

About - Michael is the proud owner and Editor-in-Chief of! He has a Bachelors Degree with First Class Honors ( try to guess his Degree), and has been writing about video games for many years. His favorite Nintendo franchises include the Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon. When Michael is not playing video games – he is usually outdoors riding kangaroo’s, playing cricket or sleeping (or doing all three at the same time).