You Are Browsing 'Pikmin 3' Tag

The Wii U “Five” (Ep35): Videogame Stories
By Jason On 12 Sep, 2014 At 05:20 AM | Categorized As Games, Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Sometimes, a gamer actually cares about more than just graphics.  On these rare occasions, it’s not about what you’re doing, but why.  In fact, sometimes it goes beyond ‘why’, and into the realm of ‘how’.  Either way, it’s the fiction of videogames that sometimes draws in certain individuals.  The problem is that these individuals […]

The Wii U “Five” (Ep32): Pikmin 3 (Backlog Review)
By Jason On 22 Aug, 2014 At 05:50 AM | Categorized As Games, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Were you one of the people who picked up a Wii U just for Mario Kart 8?  Were you one of the people that just jumped for joy and bought Mario Kart 8 as soon as you could possibly get it?  Well then, chances are you got to register your copy and get a free […]

5 Wii U Exclusives You Must Beat before Mario Kart 8 Launches
By Michael On 30 Apr, 2014 At 09:36 PM | Categorized As Articles | With No Comments
Mario Kart 8 (11)

5 Wii U Exclusives You Must Beat Before Mario Kart 8 Launches Mario Kart 8 is only one month away, and it will be the first worthwhile game for the Wii U, since Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.  I, for one, will be spending hundreds of hours online – killing the competition like I did […]

The Most Beautiful Yet Deadly Beasts of Pikmin 3
By Michael On 30 Mar, 2014 At 11:56 AM | Categorized As Articles, Wii U | With 2 Comments

The Most Beautiful Yet Deadly Beasts of Pikmin 3 Planet PNF-404 is a stunning planet filled with wonders and beauty. Leave it to Nintendo to make an unique and lively world. The serene ambience expertly crafted by Nintendo is simply a ruse to disguise the many dangers within the luscious environment. The fauna of PNF-404 […]

Pikmin 3 Review
By Michael On 5 Aug, 2013 At 06:18 AM | Categorized As Reviews, Wii U Reviews | With 7 Comments
pikmin 3 title screen

Nine Years! Nine Years! That is how long Pikmin fans had to wait for a new installment in this much beloved franchise. Sometimes, Nintendo you grind my gears to the point of rust. As much as you irk me at certain times, I cannot stay mad especially, when time after time again you deliver extraordinary […]

How to survive a Wii U game drought
By Michael On 8 Jul, 2013 At 11:54 AM | Categorized As Features | With 6 Comments

 Games, Games, Games – I need more games.     Times have been hard for Wii U owners.  It can be disheartening seeing your new console struggle in the charts and receive a constant flow of “Wii U is doomed” articles. Perhaps the most frustrating part of being an early adopter of a Wii U […]