Anthony Grant

As a Gamer, games have helped me express myself ever since I was a young. Finding the Master Sword isn’t exactly a coincidence, its an Accomplishment! As the kid that never grown out of the love for video games I’ve became a contributor to the gaming Community! I’m Anthony an Exciting, outgoing, GAMER who’s daily life includes, Eat. Sleep. Game. And not in that order! I plan to study Computer Engineering and along with that gain experience in Video Game Design. When I’m not gaming (rare) I’m either skating or playing electric guitar. I hope to give you guys a healthy dose of gaming to feed your addiction.

    By Anthony Grant On 6 Sep, 2014 At 05:42 PM | Categorized As Features | With No Comments

    Whether it’s your girlfriend or boyfriend, friend or cousin, mom or dad, etc… Spreading our slightly addictive hobby of gaming is very tempting to do, no matter who is it we’re spending time with. It opens up a way to bond with the people in our lives’ even more.However, getting our loves one to jump […]

    By Anthony Grant On 3 Aug, 2014 At 02:50 PM | Categorized As Features | With No Comments
    nintendo relevancy

    How Has Nintendo Maintained Relevancy? Nintendo is  the most-renowned  video game company in the world, with a long history dating back to the 1980’s. Very few video game companies can rival Nintendo’s achievement and influence in the industry. I mean, this is the company that has single-handedly saved the industry. I would be so bold […]