Overzealous Fan plays Super Smash Bros for over 14 hours!

By Michael On 21 Jul, 2014 At 02:03 PM | Categorized As Features, Smash Updates, Super Smash Bros | With 0 Comment

Overzealous Fan Plays Super Smash Bros For Over 14 Hours

Super Smash Bros Little Mac screen-3

We’ve been talking about all the latest news for the upcoming Super Smash Bros game, but for some fans that just isn’t enough. Oz Comic Con recently passed and the event was brimming full of famous comic book artists and television show celebrities. None of that, however, could pull Australia’s number one Smash addict from the Nintendo booth. With short lines, and even shorter wait times, Venks Dunson played over 140 rounds of Super Smash Bros Wii U and wrote down everything new he learned about the game.

Here’s what Venks had to say when asked if he was playing the game too much:

Well you see, when I stepped through the front doors and saw the Mario Kart 8 promotional board… I started to freaking out! I just knew that on the other side of that board was Super Smash Bros Wii U! The game isn’t even out and yet there it was just a few steps away from me. My hands started shaking as I made my way over to the booth, but I couldn’t contain my grin when I started seeing Greninja and Rosalina duking it out. It was at that moment that I knew I would be spending the entire day exclusively at this booth. Thankfully I got along well with the other players and the Nintendo staff so no one really minded how often I was smashing my way across Battlefield with a GameCube controller in hand.”


The character Venks played more than any other was the boxing champion Little Mac. In fact, Venks claims that he has currently played Little Mac more than anyone in the world, outside of Nintendo. There’s a lot of confusion about how the newcomer will compare to the rest of the cast in Super Smash Bros. Sakurai has said several times that Little Mac is extremely powerful on the ground, but very weak in the air. Anyone in the competitive Smash Bros community would be quick to tell you that a character with poor aerial approaches is not one that usually performs well. Oddly enough, Venks seems content that Little Mac will compete just fine with the likes of Zero Suit Samus and Kirby. The smash addict compiled everything he learned about the character into one massive break down.


With reports of people waiting in line from anywhere between two to five hours just to play a single round of Super Smash Bros Wii U, Venks should consider himself exceptionally lucky. Waiting only two or six minutes between rounds this smash addict was able to try out all of the characters in the demo roster. Venks specifically calls out the characters Greninja and Villager as the strongest of the newcomers, but says that overall everyone felt balanced out pretty well. Most surprising of all is that returning veterans Link and Bowser enter this iteration of Super Smash Bros stronger than ever before. This is a really good sign for players who enjoy playing their favorite characters, rather than those who prefer to go for who ever is the strongest.


Super Smash Bros for 3DS is set to launch in the west on October 3. Super Smash Bros For Wii U is scheduled to make its appearance during the holiday season. Stay tuned at Mii-gamer for the most comprehensive coverage of the two titles!


**Note:: Huge thanks to Venks – a loyal reader of Mii-gamer for allowing me to report on his impression**

About - Michael is the proud owner and Editor-in-Chief of Mii-gamer.com! He has a Bachelors Degree with First Class Honors ( try to guess his Degree), and has been writing about video games for many years. His favorite Nintendo franchises include the Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon. When Michael is not playing video games – he is usually outdoors riding kangaroo’s, playing cricket or sleeping (or doing all three at the same time).