Must Have Multiplayer Modes For Splatoon

By Michael On 12 Jul, 2014 At 12:42 AM | Categorized As Features | With 0 Comment

Must Have Multiplayer Modes For Splatoon

Discounting the Legend of Zelda Wii U – Splatoon was the most exciting Wii U game showcased at E3 2014. An interesting and unique take on the shooter genre – Splatoon is looking to be a sublime online offering for Wii U owners. While we only know of one mode – Splatoon promises to offer more game modes from what we saw at E3. Nintendo can make Splatoon a surprise hit, but it must have these multiplayer modes – for the competitive community to embrace the game.

So here are 4 must have multiplayer modes for Splatoon.

splatoon wii u capture the flag


Capture the Flag / Flag Runner

As soon as I saw the game design of  Splatoon – my mind instantly raced with the thought of a capture the flag game mode. The ink gameplay, that being the ability to traverse easy in your own ink color and getting stuck in the opponents, could lend itself to deep strategic and tactical gameplay for a capture the Flag  mode. For example a good team – would create a path of their own color ink – so that the flag runner can easily travel towards the goal without being impeded. On the other hand, the opposing can play a tactical counter measure by creating a large area of ink – essentially halting the maneuverability of the runner. And let’s not forget that the ability to hide in the ink can lead to hilarious surprise attacks of cocky victims thinking that they have made it to the goal.

splatoon wii u


Although similar to the mode showed at E3 – Domination in Splatoon it has a few differences that could make it a popular mode. The aim of domination is not how much you can ink you can spread across the stage, but how long you can maintain a specific territory, earning points by during – much like the domination mode in Call of Duty. Holding a base is as simple as having the most ink coverage in the designated territory.  Since Splatoon is a 4 VS 4 multiplayer experience – the tactics would be team management, deciding who goes to capture and who stays to defend.

splatoon wii u mode

Team Deathmatch (Team Inkmatch)

Team Deathmatch is almost a given with any competitive shooter, and I expect it to be in Splatoon. The conditions for winning the match is simple – the team with the most kills when the timer runs out is the victor. Despite the basic principle of Splatoon (covering as much of the stage with Ink) not playing an important part in the Team inkmatch. With that said, creating an area of your own Ink will allow you to travel swiftly as a squid and hide if necessary. Plus holding a strategic vantage points with your own ink, will put you in good stead when in fire fights.

wii u splatoon

Squid For All

8 player Free-For- All multiplayer should be possible with Splatoon – it should be only natural for this mode to be included in Splatoon. In stark contrast to other aforementioned  modes, Free-for-all is an individual game – every squid for herself – squirt your ink or be prepared to be splattered. The win condition in Free-for-all can either be kill count or how much area you can cover within the time limit, and maybe both.




About - Michael is the proud owner and Editor-in-Chief of! He has a Bachelors Degree with First Class Honors ( try to guess his Degree), and has been writing about video games for many years. His favorite Nintendo franchises include the Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon. When Michael is not playing video games – he is usually outdoors riding kangaroo’s, playing cricket or sleeping (or doing all three at the same time).