The Wii U “Five” (Ep40): Need For Speed: Most Wanted (Backlog Review)

By Jason On 17 Oct, 2014 At 05:39 AM | Categorized As Games, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With 0 Comment


Third party ports have mostly been abysmal on the Wii U… with a few exceptions.  This is one of them.

I take a step back in time, and look at one of, if not the only, 3rd party port that made it to the Wii U with some decent effort.  Is this a gem you might have missed and a shining example of what could have been?

Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: , , .  Don’t be scared: subscribe, like, and follow!


About - Jason (ZyroXZ2) created a web series called "The Wii U Five" on YouTube to show his love and support for Nintendo and their latest console... And also because he's sarcastic and loves to make people laugh and go into deep thought. People can do both, right?