Bayonetta 2 Gets Popular With TV Spots

By Andy Steyn On 6 Sep, 2014 At 09:09 PM | Categorized As Wii U, Wii U News | With 0 Comment

Bayonetta 2

It appears Nintendo is prepared to advertise their upcoming action-climax game, Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U. Two Television commercials have emerged targeting the Japanese video game market. Featuring the voluptuous Bayonetta in skimpy clothing, suggestive poses and sublime action gameplay – these Television commercials will surely appease the stereotypical gamer in Japan.

I know for certain that the Nintendo community were fearful that Bayonetta 2 was going to fly under the radar, receiving very little marketing support from Nintendo. So it is heartening that Nintendo has listened to their followers and decided to give this title a respectable marketing campaign.

Bayonetta 2 is set to launch in Japan on September 20. Platinum Games exclusive will make it across the pond on October 14 in North America, Europe  and for Australia on October 25. For the latest updates on Bayonetta 2, stay tuned at Mii-gamer.

About - Former friend of Mii-gamer’s Editor-in-Chief, Michael! Unfortunately, the friendship was ruined after a fateful night of Mario Kart 8. As the loser of the bet, I agreed to help around Mii-gamer as the Deputy Editor. Nah just joking! I joined Mii-gamer because I have passion for writing and Nintendo happens to be my favorite game company, it was the perfect opportunity to share my passion. I play all types of game, but I especially love online oriented titles. My favorite Nintendo franchise are 3D Mario platformers ( a bit cliche, I know).