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By Jason On 3 Oct, 2014 At 05:19 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Let’s face it: every Nintendo fan is heavy-breathing over the next main Zelda entry.  It’s already been teased, and while there are the usual suspects getting their masculine insecurity panties all up in a bunch over the artstyle of Link, we can do nothing but wait.  But wait!  There’s Hyrule Warriors!  A Zelda spinoff […]

A Lovely Art Piece of Link Wearing The Majora’s Mask
By Michael On 7 Aug, 2014 At 01:37 PM | Categorized As General News, News | With No Comments
legend of zelda majora's mask hanabi festival

In celebration of the Hanabi Festival (in literal terms means Fireworks Festival) – Nintendo of Japan has distributed to Club Nintendo members, a fantastic art piece of Link wearing a Yukata and fashioning the Majora’s Mask. I’ve been reading conjecture that Nintendo is teasing a Majora’s Mask remake, but I don’t think this is the […]

New Zelda Survey Suggests Ocarina of Time Is Fan Favorite; Followed by Majora’s Mask
By Michael On 7 Jul, 2014 At 11:37 AM | Categorized As General News | With 10 Comments
the legend of zelda majora's mask

Ranking the best Zelda game of all time is historically a hotly debated topic. Each Zelda fan has their favorite which they insist is the best. It’s not hard to see why – not counting the CD-i Zelda – each mainline Zelda game in their own right are masterpieces, picking the best is like choosing which […]

The 5 Weirdest Legend of Zelda Characters of All Time
By Michael On 5 Jul, 2014 At 08:54 PM | Categorized As Features, Top Countdown List | With No Comments
weirdest legend of zelda characters

The 5 Weirdest Legend of Zelda Characters of All Time The Long history of the Legend of Zelda franchise has produced some of the most iconic characters known in our beloved industry; Link, Princess Zelda, Ganondorf and Impa just to name a few. However, the Legend of Zelda has also produced some of the weirdest […]

Hyrule Warriors Gets A Japanese Release Date; Plus information galore including story and Characters
By Michael On 20 May, 2014 At 11:28 PM | Categorized As Wii U News | With No Comments
Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors Gets A Release Date; plus Famitsu scans According to the latest issue of Famitsu – the Tecmo and Nintendo collaboration that meshes the Legend of Zelda series and the Warriors series – Hyule Warriors – will launch in Japan on August 14th. Hyrule Warriors was previously scheduled for a Japanese summer release, I […]

The Legend of Zelda Collection Art now available
By Michael On 30 Jul, 2013 At 01:56 PM | Categorized As News | With No Comments
skyward sword

Electronic Theatre has reported that a series of limited edition prints based around the Legend of Zelda series are now available to be purchased. That is, if you live in the UK. Each print will cost £16.99 GBP – not bad if I may say so. Check out the screens below: