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By Jason On 19 Dec, 2014 At 07:09 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— I tweeted that if I received 50 RTs on a tweet about Watch Dogs for the Wii U, I’d buy it.  As you can see, I ate the bullet on this one.  I sacrificed my money to Ubisoft for you, but does this mean you should do the same? Fine, if I hit 50 […]

By Jason On 12 Dec, 2014 At 07:40 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With 1 Comment

— Nintendo brings 2014 to a close with Captain Toad, and along with it, some graphical enhancements! You like graphics, right? This is a puzzle game you won’t want to miss, but of course let my review tell you why! — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Obtain the YouTube […]

By Jason On 5 Dec, 2014 At 05:23 AM | Categorized As Interviews, Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— This is the first time I’ve combined a Skype interview and Let’s Play gameplay with someone!  This someone is Lo, a videogame blogger! [youtube clip_id=”9NR6g5rJQ-g”] Like Lo? Well, here’s her website and Twitter for ya! — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Obtain the YouTube Triforce: Subscribe, […]

By Jason On 28 Nov, 2014 At 07:14 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Super Smash Bros, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— The unarguably biggest game of the holiday is upon us, and there’s no denying that all eyes are on the one-of-a-kind game you can only get on that one system you want to pretend isn’t good enough for you: the Wii U. And I get my review hands all over Zero Suit Samus… Oh, […]

By Jason On 21 Nov, 2014 At 07:43 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— This is the third exclusive Sonic game to bring the contract to a close between Sega and Nintendo.  Does it end the exclusivity deal with a bang? [youtube clip_id=”o_fK6INfuCo”] — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Obtain the YouTube Triforce: Subscribe, Like, and Comment! Enjoy!

By Jason On 14 Nov, 2014 At 07:57 AM | Categorized As Indie Spotlight, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— I come to the frightening revelation on how Call of Duty gets its review scores.  The real question is how I handled it. … Or how I handled it like a very famous someone we know from a very popular movie! [youtube clip_id=”0MHGiofeRYc”] — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Obtain […]

By Jason On 7 Nov, 2014 At 05:29 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— I’ve been avoiding the graphics talk, but no matter where I go or what I do, somehow, graphics come up.  So, I figured, time to tackle it myself.  Sort of… Actually, it’s more about tackling how much YOU care about it! I use Need For Speed: Most Wanted on the Wii U, and Forza […]

By Jason On 31 Oct, 2014 At 05:55 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Bayonetta 2 had been something of a controversial Wii U exclusive, with responses escalating to death threats against Platinum Games.  Well, fast forward to now, and the game is out in the wild on the one and only Wii U. So should fans of the series shut up and put up with buying a […]

By Jason On 24 Oct, 2014 At 05:45 AM | Categorized As Interviews, Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— My love of doing interviews comes from the perspectives it offers.  Whether I’m watching someone play a Nintendo game under the pressure of being recorded, or admiring their work in bringing videogame characters to life.  That second point is why I’m here yet again with a cosplay interview.  However, unlike previous ones… This girl […]

By Jason On 17 Oct, 2014 At 05:39 AM | Categorized As Games, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Third party ports have mostly been abysmal on the Wii U… with a few exceptions.  This is one of them. I take a step back in time, and look at one of, if not the only, 3rd party port that made it to the Wii U with some decent effort.  Is this a gem […]

By Jason On 10 Oct, 2014 At 05:41 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— I thought a person who loves Asian food and playing Mario Kart with kids would be a pretty good plan… Until she started to fall asleep on me… What did I do wrong?! — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Don’t be scared: subscribe, like, and follow! Enjoy!

By Jason On 3 Oct, 2014 At 05:19 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Let’s face it: every Nintendo fan is heavy-breathing over the next main Zelda entry.  It’s already been teased, and while there are the usual suspects getting their masculine insecurity panties all up in a bunch over the artstyle of Link, we can do nothing but wait.  But wait!  There’s Hyrule Warriors!  A Zelda spinoff […]

By Jason On 26 Sep, 2014 At 05:30 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— The indie gaming scene on the Wii U continues to grow at an alarming rate.  There’s no denying that the indie gaming scene, itself, is becoming ever more popular and ever more important to the ecosystem of gaming.  Having said that, there is some serious garbage in there.  And then there’s gems like ‘The […]

By Jason On 19 Sep, 2014 At 05:18 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Bringing people on the show to have them play games is always a blast… At least for me it is!  Okay, maybe I derive a little joy out of watching them fail at videogames… just a little.  Then again, they still have fun.  Is the message about good old-fashioned fun making sense now? 😉 […]

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