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By Jason On 19 Dec, 2014 At 07:09 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— I tweeted that if I received 50 RTs on a tweet about Watch Dogs for the Wii U, I’d buy it.  As you can see, I ate the bullet on this one.  I sacrificed my money to Ubisoft for you, but does this mean you should do the same? Fine, if I hit 50 […]

By Jason On 12 Dec, 2014 At 07:40 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With 1 Comment

— Nintendo brings 2014 to a close with Captain Toad, and along with it, some graphical enhancements! You like graphics, right? This is a puzzle game you won’t want to miss, but of course let my review tell you why! — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Obtain the YouTube […]

By Jason On 28 Nov, 2014 At 07:14 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Super Smash Bros, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— The unarguably biggest game of the holiday is upon us, and there’s no denying that all eyes are on the one-of-a-kind game you can only get on that one system you want to pretend isn’t good enough for you: the Wii U. And I get my review hands all over Zero Suit Samus… Oh, […]

By Jason On 21 Nov, 2014 At 07:43 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— This is the third exclusive Sonic game to bring the contract to a close between Sega and Nintendo.  Does it end the exclusivity deal with a bang? [youtube clip_id=”o_fK6INfuCo”] — Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.  Obtain the YouTube Triforce: Subscribe, Like, and Comment! Enjoy!

By Jason On 31 Oct, 2014 At 05:55 AM | Categorized As Games, Reviews, Videocast, Wii U, Wii U Reviews, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With No Comments

— Bayonetta 2 had been something of a controversial Wii U exclusive, with responses escalating to death threats against Platinum Games.  Well, fast forward to now, and the game is out in the wild on the one and only Wii U. So should fans of the series shut up and put up with buying a […]

By Lindsey Weedston On 7 Oct, 2014 At 12:11 PM | Categorized As 3DS, 3DS Reviews, Reviews | With No Comments
The Keep Banner

Walking Around In Circles Walking Around In Circles What first caught my eye about The Keep was its simplicity. Its very name is simple, without the clever wordplay and random z’s typical of other indie games. I was pleased to find out that it’s modeled as a classic dungeon crawler – one of my favorite […]

By Jason On 27 Aug, 2014 At 04:49 PM | Categorized As Indie Spotlight, Reviews, Wii U, Wii U Reviews | With No Comments

Let’s preface this review by indicating that Soon Shine is essentially a mobile app.  Knowing this going into this review (and for those of you interested in purchasing, into the game) will set a clear bar for expectations.  Whether this game meets, exceeds, or falls below these expectations is what follows. Soon Shine is brought […]

By Lindsey Weedston On 27 Aug, 2014 At 03:21 AM | Categorized As 3DS, 3DS Reviews, Reviews | With No Comments
tangram attack

Don’t Create, Destroy     Remember how in elementary school you used to get those colorful blocks that were all squares and rhombuses and different sized triangles, and you could use them to make images of cats and houses and people? In Tangram Attack, you get to take all of those little block pictures and […]

By Michael On 15 Aug, 2014 At 12:53 AM | Categorized As 3DS Reviews, Reviews | With 1 Comment
steamworld dig a fistful of dig nintendo 3ds

Not Afraid To Get Its Hand Dirty I’ve heard nothing but positive things about Image & Forms 3DS eShop title, Steamworld Dig. Aside from Mario Kart 8, there is nothing new and compelling to play for Wii U and the 3DS, so I decided to fork over the money to try this peculiar title and […]

By Andy Steyn On 5 Aug, 2014 At 12:29 AM | Categorized As 3DS, 3DS Reviews, Reviews | With No Comments
siesta fiesta

Siesta Fiesta – Tis The Season To Go Snoozing   The Nintendo 3DS is in a bit of a dry spell at the moment with quality retail releases slowing down to a trickle. Since, there hasn’t been a good retail game to play since Tomodachi Life – I decided to head over to the Nintendo eShop […]

By Michael On 23 Jul, 2014 At 11:59 PM | Categorized As Giveaways, Reviews, Wii U Reviews | With 2 Comments

The Lego Movie: Videogame Wii U Review I’ve wanted to complete the review for The Lego Movie: Videogame back in April. However, my busy schedule and other priorities have prevented me from finishing the review… until now. I know many interested gamers may have already played the game, and, in fact, may already have watched the movie – so this review will […]

By Daniel On 17 Jun, 2014 At 12:18 AM | Categorized As Reviews, Wii U Reviews | With 3 Comments

It’s Mario Kart! Mario Kart!   I know this review is a tad belated and perhaps a little redundant at this point. In truth, I did not want to rush myself into playing Mario Kart 8 just for the sake of posting up a review in a timely manner. I believe in the mantra, that […]

By Daniel On 6 Apr, 2014 At 11:16 PM | Categorized As 3DS Reviews, Reviews | With 4 Comments
pokemon trozei

I am a self-confessed Nintendo fundamentalist. As a fundamentalist, I believe Nintendo should always develop games exclusively for their own consoles. In all likelihood, I will always remain a Nintendo fundamentalist. Not surprisingly, any Ideas that suggest Nintendo should begin a business model that involves mobile gaming immediately grinds my gears. I am not going […]

By Michael On 20 Mar, 2014 At 02:12 PM | Categorized As Reviews, Wii U, Wii U Reviews | With 5 Comments
dk f

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Review – The Death of 1000 Kongs Some of my readers might be wondering why it took me so long to write a review for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. The game was launched in late February and at the time of writing,  it is the middle of March. In […]

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