The Wii U “Five” (Ep43): How Much Do Ya Care About Graphics?

By Jason On 7 Nov, 2014 At 05:29 AM | Categorized As Videocast, Wii U, wii u videos, ZyroXZ2 Wii U "Five" | With 0 Comment


I’ve been avoiding the graphics talk, but no matter where I go or what I do, somehow, graphics come up.  So, I figured, time to tackle it myself.  Sort of… Actually, it’s more about tackling how much YOU care about it!

I use Need For Speed: Most Wanted on the Wii U, and Forza Horizon 2 on the Xbox One to provide a little perspective.  Do ya care?  Well DO ya?!

Jason (ZyroXZ2) and his show are in all the usual places: , , .  Obtain the YouTube Triforce: Subscribe, Like, and Comment!


About - Jason (ZyroXZ2) created a web series called "The Wii U Five" on YouTube to show his love and support for Nintendo and their latest console... And also because he's sarcastic and loves to make people laugh and go into deep thought. People can do both, right?