Pokemon of the Day: Mega Alakazam

By Michael On 16 Nov, 2013 At 12:55 AM | Categorized As Pokemon of the Day | With 2 Comments

Mega Alakazam

Much like the reality, the Pokemon world is cruel and unfair. Some Pokemon is forgotten and ignored much like Stinky Pete in Toy Story 2. While others are destined for glory. Alakazam falls into the latter. Just like the popular kid in school, once again the spoon bending Pokemon has gotten all the attention, now given a mega evolutionary.

Mega Alakazam is at a level…. maybe two levels above its original form. This mega-evolved pokemon is a monster. Just looking at his offensive capabilities instills fear into my heart. Mega Alakazam will no doubt be popular among those who play competitive Pokemon. In my opinion there is a good chance that he will be banned from standard play, simple because he is too powerful for his own good.

Mega Alakazam by no means invincible. Just in like previous generations, Scizor will be able to scare Mega Alakazam with a Bullet Punch or with a well predicted Pursuit. Since. Mega Alakazam has terrible defenses, outspeeding it and attacking it with a physical move is the way to go. When facing Mega Alakazam knowing your opponent is the key – prediction is a must.

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HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed
Base Stats – Total: 500 55 50 45 135 95 120
Max Stats Lv. 50 115 – 162 49 – 91 45 – 87 126 – 168 90 – 132 112 – 154
Hindering Nature Lv. 100 220 – 314 94 – 179 85 – 170 247 – 332 175 – 260 220 – 305
Max Stats Lv. 50 115 – 162 55 – 102 50 – 97 140 – 187 100 – 147 125 – 172
Neutral Nature Lv. 100 220 – 314 105 – 199 95 – 189 275 – 369 195 – 289 245 – 339
Max Stats Lv. 50 115 – 162 60 – 112 55 – 106 154 – 205 110 – 161 137 – 189
Beneficial Nature Lv. 100 220 – 314 115 – 218 104 – 207 302 – 405 214 – 317 269 – 372

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Mega Alakazam @ Alakazamite

Evs: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Hp

Nature: Timid, Ability: Trace

  • Psyshock
  • Focus Blast
  • Signal Beam
  • Hidden Power Fire/Hidden Power Ice/Calm Mind

It is hard to decide which moves to give Mega Alakazam. Without solid information about the upcoming metagame, it is very hard to pick what coverage move is needed. Psyshock and Focus Blast are essentials. Signal Beam is necessary to combat Celebi, Latios, Latias or any dark Pokemon that attempts to soak up a Psyshock. The last slot is tricky and it really depends on what is running around in the metagame. Hidden Power Fire is for Jirachi and Scizor. Hidden Power Ice is to hit dragons. Calm mind is a good idea, if you can force a switch or predict well.

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What sets would you use for Mega Alakazam?

About - Michael is the proud owner and Editor-in-Chief of Mii-gamer.com! He has a Bachelors Degree with First Class Honors ( try to guess his Degree), and has been writing about video games for many years. His favorite Nintendo franchises include the Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon. When Michael is not playing video games – he is usually outdoors riding kangaroo’s, playing cricket or sleeping (or doing all three at the same time).