Charizard has two Mega Evolution’s: Mega Charizard X & Mega Charizard Y

By Michael On 2 Oct, 2013 At 01:15 PM | Categorized As 3DS, 3DS News | With 0 Comment


Nintendo and the Pokemon company has confirmed that Charizard has two Mega Evolutions which will respectfully be called Mega Charizard X & Mega Charizard Y. The mega evolution form will depend on which mega stone Charizard is holding. For Mega Charizard Y you will need and Charizardite Y and Charizardite X for Mega Evolution x.

Mega Charizard X has a blue tint, will now be a fire and Dragon type Pokemon and gain the ability Tough claw which increases the power of physical attacks. To compliment the new ability Mega Charizard X will receive a noticeable boost in the attack stat.

Will all Mega evolutions have an X & Y form? Hopefully, that will force me to buy two versions.

About - Michael is the proud owner and Editor-in-Chief of! He has a Bachelors Degree with First Class Honors ( try to guess his Degree), and has been writing about video games for many years. His favorite Nintendo franchises include the Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon. When Michael is not playing video games – he is usually outdoors riding kangaroo’s, playing cricket or sleeping (or doing all three at the same time).